Monday, 17 March 2025

Of Arameans and Anamnesis

Readings: Deuteronomy 26:1-11, Luke 4:1-13

The title of today's sermon is ‘Of Arameans and Anamnesis’ and by way of introduction I want to explain anamnesis. The word anamnesis sounds a little bit like the word amnesia, but it means the opposite. It means to remember but this remembering occurs within a community.

The symbolism within the story Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge gives to us a helpful way to think about the idea of communal memory. The items bought by Wilfrid to Miss Nancy enabled her to remember things that she had long forgotten. In the process of remembering Miss Nancy experiences a sense of renewal.

Within Christian worship, the word anamnesis is often used in explaining what happens when we share in the Lord's Supper. We remember something as a community that as individuals we might have no personal memory of, yet through this communal remembering and the power of the Holy Spirit, we find a sense of assurance and renewal in our relationship with God as we are drawn into experiencing the event.

I have written the sermon in a slightly different way which involves a statement and invitation for you to respond at the beginning of each section. There are four sections. 
These are:

Anamnesis in the Ancient Liturgy.  
Anamnesis on Country.
Anamnesis in God’s Faithfulness in Christ.
Anamnesis in the Gap Uniting Church.

I will conclude the sermon with the same refrain.


Leader:        A wandering Aramean was my ancestor
                    But I did not know because I did not remember
                    But here we remember together:

Response:       We remember things
                        which we did not know
                        that we had forgotten
                         We remember our past
                        We remember our future
                        We remember our present
                            in God’s presence!

Anamnesis in the Ancient Liturgy

We remember the past
As we remember that Moses
Led the people out of Egypt, then
Wandering for forty years
Before coming to a land
Flowing with milk and honey
We remember that
Before entering this land
Moses described a ritual
Which was the work of the people
A liturgy through which they
Remembered their roots
We remember that the wandering Aramean
To whom Moses referred
Was Jacob, who married Rebekah
A woman descended from the line of Aram
We remember that
The nomadic roots of God’s people
Stretched long even before
The wilderness wanderings
After escaping from Egypt
The people were to remember
The history of God’s faithfulness
By offering the first fruits
Of their harvest
An act that reflected that they were
A settled and sedentary people
Living in the promised land
Where they had the time
To plant and to grow and to harvest
We remember that
The fruits that were given
Were to be offered in celebration
And to be shared with all who resided
In the promised land
To be shared with Levite, alien and stranger
We remember that they were
Invited to celebrate God’s providence
And generosity, not simply to one nation
But to all people on earth
The chosen people were chosen
To include and embrace
Not to exclude, as some might think.
So that all might know of God’s love
God’s mercy and God’s faithfulness.
Leader:       A wandering Aramean was my ancestor
                    But I did not know because I did not remember
                    But here we remember together:
Response:     We remember things
                        which we did not know
                        that we had forgotten
                    We remember our past
                    We remember our future
                    We remember our present
                        in God’s presence!
Anamnesis on Country
We remember the past
We remember these ancient lands
And its ancient peoples, this place
Country for the Turrbal and Jagera peoples
We remember that God
Is the God of all peoples
And the God of all places.
And so, we remember that
When Europeans came to this Country
They entered a land
That had been created and sustained
By the Triune God
They knew in Jesus Christ
And they encountered people
Whom God already loved.
We remember that many
Of the first Europeans who came
Were coerced and cajoled
And did not come by choice
But we also know
That some came seeking
A new and better life
Many hoped for a promised land
A land flowing with milk and honey 
We remember the encounters
Between the First Peoples
And those who came
And how these encounters
Were interpreted differently
Words like colonisation and settlement
For the First nations people felt more like
Violence, invasion and dispossession
A time of sadness and tragedy
That carried forward through the generations.
We remember as the colony expanded
Moses, no, not the one from the Bible
But Moses Adsett who lies just yonder
Who established this land
As a place of Christian worship
And whose headstone reminds us
Of a Christian heritage
Begun here over 150 years ago
And we remember those
Who lie close by with Moses
Who are encouraging us still
We remember the names who have
Given time, talents, and treasures
To build this worshipping community
More than mere names etched in a window
They are the communion of saints
Who gather around us
And who made who we are now
Possible through their generosity
Aitkens and Blakes
Bennetts, Bonds and Cowans
Eastons and Earles
Fannings and Finches
Goldburg’s, Harrisons, and Hilders
The list and their legacy goes on and yet on
Too many to name
In this short refrain

We remember the days of struggle
For the early years of building this community
For the days of hardship, and depression
We remember the grief and loss of wars
That impacted this community
For those who went away
And came home changed
And for those who left and never came home
We shall remember them
Lest we forget
We remember the days of celebrations
For establishing the first church
For building and rebuilding
For the beginnings of the Uniting Church
We remember Methodist,
Presbyterian and Congregationalist
For joining and openings and new possibilities
Serving the community and the world
For which Christ died
We remember the past
And we remember the people
People whom we didn’t know
And those whom we did and still do
People to whose lives we are joined
In the power of the Holy Spirit
The community of Christ
The Communion of Saints
At the Gap Uniting Church
Leader:       A wandering Aramean was my ancestor
                    But I did not know because I did not remember
                    But here we remember together:
Response:     We remember things
                        which we did not know
                        that we had forgotten
                    We remember our past
                    We remember our future
                    We remember our present
                        in God’s presence!
Anamnesis in God’s Faithfulness in Christ.
We remember our future
Through anamnesis
As we remember the past
And the incarnation of God
As God’s faithfulness
To all that God has created
We remember his birth
And the love of his mother
We remember his growth
And the teaching of his father
We remember his stories
And miracles shared
On the journey with disciples
Whom he later called friends.
We remember the table
Where Jesus shared in a meal
And dipped his bread in a cup
Shared with a friend
Who became his betrayer
But still promised
To be with his followers
Whenever we gather
And share in the meal
We remember his death
And we remember his resurrection
And we remember his coming again
We remember that
He comes to us now from the future
And from outside time itself
Where he, the eternal Word, now resides
In the eternal presence
Of the Divine Creator of all
He comes to us now
He comes to us in water
He comes to us through the Word
He comes to us in bread and wine
By the power of Holy Spirit, and
He comes to us in the love that is shared
From one to another
He comes to us with assurance
Giving renewal and hope
For in him we are a new creation
Because in him we resisted temptation
And a new future was born
This is the good news
Of God’s faithfulness
A mysterious hope for all
Leader:       A wandering Aramean was my ancestor
                    But I did not know because I did not remember
                    But here we remember together:
Response:     We remember things
                        which we did not know
                        that we had forgotten
                    We remember our past
                    We remember our future
                    We remember our present
                        in God’s presence!
Anamnesis in the Gap Uniting Church.
We remember God’s presence
Is with us here now
And that we are his church
And this church is not ours
It’s not mine
It’s not yours
It’s God’s new creation
By the power of the Spirit
It is our destination
It exists beyond time
It exists beyond space
But here in this place
And now in this time
We are joined into one as
We remember things
which we did not know
that we had forgotten
We remember our present
in God’s presence!
We remember all this
as we watch the light play
Through panes of stained glass
Which were placed to help us see
To see new hope
In the movement and life
Of the work of the Spirit
The strands of DNA
The pulse of the universe
The festivity of life
Celebrating our community
And its diversity
And God’s love for all
We remember the call
To be his disciples
And we remember the call
To grow his disciples
To go into the world
And to share the good news
Rather than stay cloistered here
In some holy club.
We remember as look out the windows
Of this church to see
The community around
To find that God is there
And waiting to be found
In the people we meet day by day
Whose lives can astound
God's presence is with us
It goes before us and behind us
Is within us and beyond us
It can be found in all places
And can be met in all people
To whom in love we are called
We remember with assurance
that renewal means change
to constantly become
that new creation in him
And that through remembering our past
and encountering our future
to live in the present
And the presence of God
Who is the source of our assurance
And the cause of our hope for renewal.
Leader:       A wandering Aramean was my ancestor
                    But I did not know because I did not remember
                    But here we remember together:
Response:     We remember things
                        which we did not know
                           that we had forgotten
                    We remember our past
                    We remember our future
                    We remember our present
                        in God’s presence!
For Reflection

How has remembering change you today?
What is the one thing which God is laying on your heart?

Thursday, 27 February 2025

A Shepherd Loses a Sheep

Reading Luke 15:4-10. 

I'm going to do something that you might phrase as a little bit meta this evening. And I'm doing it for two reasons. First, because it's something I've already done with the morning service. And second, because of the way I'm going to deal with the parable that we just read.

In my approach to my faith and therefore also to my preaching I have a deep sense that God remains a mystery that I do not fully comprehend. I cannot domesticate the words of the Scriptures into messages that are perfectly sound. This is reflected in the title of the blog where I publish my sermons which is called “A Different Heresy”. On the blog I explain that I believe I preach a different heresy every week trusting that God can do something with it. I pray the Holy Spirit will be at work.

Alongside my imperfection as a preacher is your imperfection as a listener and you too have a task in this process. As a listener to a sermon, I believe that my task and therefore yours is to listen for what the Word of God, by which I mean to say Jesus, is saying through the sermon. There will be things that you will always disagree or agree with, but your task is to move beyond your opinions to listen for the prompting of what God might say.

The miracle of preaching occurs when despite the inadequacy of the preaching or the biases of the listener the Holy Spirit interrupts our banal lives with a revelation. When Peter declares Jesus to be the Messiah, he is told it is because flesh and blood has not revealed this to him but my Father in heaven. In the same way I believe it is the work of the Holy Spirit which helps us to hear God speaking to any of us. We step beyond our rational desire to be in control of what is a logical outcome and message and into the mystery of God's presence.

Having said all this this brings me to speak about the parable that we heard tonight. Traditionally this parable is called the parable of the lost sheep but even the naming of the parable is problematic. The name leads us to a focus which may or may not be that helpful. I'm going to present three different interpretations of the parable that I have grappled with through my faith journey, and I am going to invite you to listen for where the Word of God might be challenging you with tonight.

The first interpretation of the parable is represented by what I would say is a Sunday school understanding of the parable. A great example of this interpretation is found in this book Cecil the Lost Sheep. At the heart of this interpretation is a suggestion that somehow the sheep is a sinner who gets itself lost. Despite the effort of the shepherd to find the sheep as a young person the implication that was presented to me was that I needed to repent. In this case the focus was on my repentance as a sheep not the search of the shepherd for the sheep.

This is a traditional interpretation, one that you may have heard before, but it is problematic because the focus is on the work of the sheep to save itself through its repentance. This idea seems to be implied by the words at the end of the parable that turn it into an allegory.

As a person who has grappled with this passage for a long time now, I do not hear this interpretation as good news. For me it certainly does not reflect the idea of a gracious God who comes to us. The sheep must repent to be found. The sheep saves itself.

This brings me to speak about the second way of thinking about this parable. One of the things that always troubled me about the first interpretation was that the sheep does not find itself. The sheep is found. Despite the inference of the first interpretation and Jesus’ embellishment at the end of the parable the sheep does not sin, it gets lost, and it does not find its own way back.

So, if we shift our focus away from the sheep and back on to the shepherd what stands out in this case is the perseverance of the shepherd and the commitment of the shepherd to find the one lost sheep. Possibly even searching for that one at risk of the rest of the ninety-nine.

By focusing on the shepherd and interpreting the shepherd to be Jesus a focus is shifted away from the action of the sheep in saving itself to the action of the shepherd in being the saviour. In this case the parable begins to send sound again like good news.

The extravagant celebration at the end of the story points towards a God who delights in relationship with us. To me this is a more hopeful reading of the parable, but it still ignores some of the problems inherent in the text. 

The scholar Amy Jill Levine provides a helpful summary which relates to the first two interpretations but highlights a key issue. She says,

“Traditional interpretations see the sheep as the believer who is strayed from the fold; the one in search is Jesus or one of his representatives, who makes every effort to save this lost sheep from destruction; and the friends who join in the feasting at the end are the church. This is an encouraging message; it is certainly good news. What has got lost, however, is any provocation, any challenge.” (Short Stories by Jesus p.37)

Levine’s analysis of Jesus’ parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin involves her critique of the way in which both Luke and Matthew have Jesus’ recontextualizing the parable to support the broader telling of the two gospels.  

Levine points out how the allegory fails to match the parable. “There was no repenting in the story; there was no sin; the sheep did not ‘come to itself’ and find its way home. It was the owner who lost the sheep, and if this losing was sinful, he's not seen repenting.”

To listen to Levine's voice of interpretation requires us to consider the possibility that both Luke and Matthew may have embellished Jesus’ words. It is important for us to remember that the gospels were written 30 to 60 years after Jesus’ death and resurrection. The stories were handed down orally before the gospel writers chose to record them. Each of the four gospels is unique in its telling and has different emphases. The correlation between the parables and their suggested allegorical meaning does not fit neatly and when considered closely the allegorical meaning would not have made sense when Jesus told the parable.

Suggesting that this might be the case does not undermine the notion that we listen for God’s Word speaking to us through the scriptures. Rather, it challenges us to read the more closely and listen more carefully. One of the concerns that Levine highlights in her close analysis of these parables is to move beyond antisemitic sentiments or interpretation. Here is what she says about this parable.

“The parable presents a main figure - the owner, not the sheep - He realises he has lost something of value to him. He notices the single missing sheep among the ninety-nine in the wilderness. For him, the missing sheep, whether it is one of a hundred or a million, makes the flock incomplete. He engages in an exaggerated search, and when he is found the sheep, he engages in an equally exaggerated sense of rejoicing, first by himself and then with his friends and neighbours. If this fellow can experience such joy in finding one of hundred sheep, what joy do we experience when we find what we have lost? More, if he can realise that one of his hundred has gone missing, do we know what or who we have lost? When was the last time we took stock, or counted up who was present rather than simply counted on their presence? Will we take responsibility for the losing, and what effort will we make to find it – or him or her – again?” p.44

The focus of the parable should be on the shepherd, in this case, or on the woman in the case of the lost coin.  If this is the case, then the provocation of the parable is to ask the question of the listener, ‘what have you lost?’ And, moreover, ‘what are you prepared to do to find what you have lost?’  Listening to the parable in this way I have begun to wonder about what I am missing in my relationship with God. And ‘what am I missing in my relationship with the people that I know?’ I am also wondering how much I am prepared to put into looking for what is missing.

I'm going to be honest at this point and say I have not landed on what I think this parable is about. I am feeling nudged in different directions. We know that the disciples struggled to understand Jesus’ parables. And if you go hunting around you will find other interpretations of this parable as well. I wonder how many millions of sermons have been prepared on this parable, each with its own angle! 

Considering the journey that I've been on with this parable my tendency is to suggest that any focus on the sheep having to repent or find itself speaks of a works theology that I believe undermines unconditional grace. Focusing on the shepherd being Jesus has a level of ease and comfort with it that I do find appealing. Yet, this approach still leaves me with some unresolved issues in the text. The third interpretation by Levine does resolve some of those issues but I am still left with questions about what Jesus was really trying to say to his audience. Levine’s interpretation has left me with the question what I might be missing in my relationship with God and others and what would I be prepared to do about that issue. Is this what God might be asking of me now?

I began this sermon by being a bit meta and saying that as a preacher I don't consider myself as having all the answers. Rather I seek to diligently and faithfully pose questions and postulate ideas that might help us listen for what Jesus is saying to us. In the case of both the lost sheep and the lost coin they finish with a happy ending. There is a celebration. A celebration which is disproportionate to what had been lost and found. 

In wrapping up, I believe there is something to be said about living in the context of the celebration of God's joy and delight in finding us and our joy and delight in finding God.

I'm going to invite you to a few moments of silence to consider what you might be hearing in what has been said. You may decide that you particularly feel attracted to one of the three different interpretations. You may have heard at distinct phrase or idea that you're going to think about a bit more. Or you may be just sitting with the mystery of a parable that you once thought you had nailed but now have more questions about.

Sunday, 23 February 2025


 A sermon for a baptism 

Luke 6: 27-38

The editorial at the beginning of the latest New Philosopher magazine entitled ‘The Unlived Life’ begins this way: 

“Every choice you've made in life has brought you to here, now, reading this article [or in our case here at this baptism]. Every small decision has funnelled you to this point. Had you made a different choice at any point in your life's trajectory, then right now it's likely that you'd be doing something else.”

It’s an interesting reflection on the choices we make and when we think about it of all the different choices that you could have made this morning you chose to come here. 

Now as I think about the many alternative choices there are some very attractive ones. 

Starting with you could still be tucked up in bed. You could be at home with a tea or coffee enjoying a good book. You could be out to brunch with family and friends. You could be lying on a beach after an early morning swim in the surf. You could be riding your motorbike up Mount Nebo, which is a popular option as we hear every Sunday. 

All are more than viable options. And I hope that you do not hear them as an invitation to leave early. 

Instead, you chose to be here. You chose to come to church. P(mum) and N(dad) you chose to bring your daughter B(daughter) for baptism. And some of you chose to come to support P(mum) and N(dad) and B(daughter) in this moment. 

The implication of the article in the New Philosopher suggests that for all of us our presence here has its origins in all the choices that we have made through life. 

This means that choices made by the families of both P(mum) and N(dad) must have opened the door to this possibility of today when they were still children. Whether visiting church with grandparents or fond and sentimental memories of Sunday School - choices were made. 

But whatever small or large choices have led you to this point B(daughter)’s birth and her baptism are the kind of moments when we all pause and take notice of what is happening in life. We take stock of who we are, where we are, and what we are doing in life. It is a moment of existential reflection. And, in this baptism, we celebrate God’s choice for B(daughter). 

You see whilst we may think we are making all the choices baptism reminds us about the choice God has made for us. Listen again to these words which describe God's choice not simply for B(daughter) but for each one of us. As I says these words substitute your own name when I say "you".

For you Jesus Christ has come, has lived, has suffered; for you he endured the agony of Gethsemane and the darkness of Calvary; for you he uttered the cry, ‘it is accomplished!’ For you he triumphed over death; for you he prays at God’s right hand.” This is God’s choice for us and our response to God’s choice is to choose to follow God.

This congregation has as its vision “Growing lifelong disciples of Christ” which by default means that we know that none of us have arrived. None of us are perfect. We gather each week curious about God’s choice for us in Jesus and how we can connect with God more deeply. The promise of the Jesus found in the gospel of John is that the Holy Spirit comes alongside us to guide us in our journey of life.

But the journey of life as we all know is not an easy one. As we think about the life that is laid out before B(daughter) it is likely that she like all of us will be asked the question what do you want to be when you grow up? Do you want to be a nurse or a plumber or electrician or a teacher or a preacher? Do you want to be something else be an astronaut, a physicist, a deep-sea diver, an influencer, a singer, a dancer? 

As interesting as the question ‘what do you want to be when you grow up?’ is, I wonder today whether a more interesting question for us today is ‘What kind of person will I be?’ By this I mean what sort of values will she have, how will she behave towards herself, others, and the world around her?

The world into which B(daughter) has been born continues to change rapidly and there are many challenges that lie ahead. As I thought about this, I reflected on my own daughter who is now 18, about to turn 19. I reflected on what the world was like 19 years ago when she was born. As much as I would like to ignore it, life was vastly different in 2006. But looking ahead what might it be like when B(daughter) turns 18 in 2042? The year when she is just leaving school.

Given I don’t have a crystal ball that can see into the future I had a conversation that would have not been possible for me 2 years ago. 

I asked Chat GPT about life for a girl baptised today in 2042. Many of the responses of the program were unsurprising and non-committal. It seems Chat GPT likes to sit on the fence. Some of the key themes were the impact of climate change, changing society and culture, geopolitical challenges, and a changing marketplace in terms of jobs.  

Two things which did stand out though were, firstly, the impact of artificial intelligence as it becomes even more deeply embedded in our daily lives. The question of what it means to be a person in an artificial world is becoming a more pressing one day by day. And, secondly, the need for her resilience and adaptability in this evolving world. 

These two aspects stand out as pertinent when it comes to being in church today. As I said before, this congregation is committed to “Growing Lifelong Disciples of Christ.” 

Being a person of faith isn’t about having arrived. Rather, it involves a constant curiosity and yearning after a deeper sense of connection with God and what it means to be a person in this changing world.

One way of doing this is contemplating the words of the Bible. When we look closely at the Bible reading that we heard today there are three phrases that are worth us thinking a bit more about. These phrases may give some ideas for P(mum) and N(dad) to think about as they nurture B(daughter) in her journey through life and build her resilience and adaptability. These are:

Love your enemies.

Do to others as you would have them do to you.

Do not judge.

It may seem strange to highlight the phrase love your enemies 

at a baptism but at the heart of the Christian faith is the conviction that God is love.  In the book of 1 John we read, “Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them”. But love as U2 sang in their song ‘Walk on’ Love is not the easy thing! Loving those who are like us and who like us is not that hard but leaning into loving those who are different from us and those who don’t love us back is hard work

In the well-known passage from 1 Corinthians 13, often used at weddings, Paul reflects on the meaning and depths of love: 

Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable; it keeps no record of wrongs; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.

In his book What Can Love Hope For? Bill Loader explains how being open to God’s love changes us. He writes:

“For it is in opening ourselves to God's generosity, to forgiveness and acceptance, that we become free from preoccupation with ourselves and with concern for our own status. We are able then to have space and energy to respond to others in love, to love our neighbours as and because we love ourselves. Love creates love.”

Setting B(daughter) on a journey of discovering the depths of God’s love for her, is so important. Often, we hear a phrase said about a person that they are their own worst enemy. The proliferation of mental health issues speaks to us about the need for people to understand that they are loved and learn to love themselves. Loving our enemies might start with loving ourselves but it also leads towards loving others, even the people that we find unlovable. 

This brings me to my second point which is: Do to others as you would have them do to you. If you take a moment to look at the screen this teaching of Jesus is sometimes called the golden rule. What is really interesting about this teaching is that it appears in each of the major world religions in slightly different forms and is part of nearly every culture.

The reason that I point this out is it whilst I believe that Jesus is the centre of relationship with God, I also believe that God works in mysterious ways through all peoples. This fundamental teaching found in all these different religions challenges human beings to view how they behave towards each other by considering it how any of us would like to be treated. Which I believe is grounded in love, respect, caring, and kindness. If as human beings we actually followed this teaching the world would be a much better place. Just as loving your enemy is not an easy thing neither is following the golden rule. Both teachings when grounded in how God has chosen for us invite and empower us as followers of Jesus to seek to live towards others in a better way.

This brings me to the third and last point which is not to judge others. And hopefully you will see a thread of connection that goes through the three things that I've highlighted.

For me to speak about not judging others in the context of a church service carries with it both a level of hypocrisy and more than a little irony. I am just going to make this call. Church people are really judgey people. Even though Jesus teaches us not to judge one another we are really good at doing it. I grew up in congregations and have been in ministry for close to 30 years. I have never come across a church community in which people don't judge each other. And ironically, I am being judgy about church people by saying this and I imagine some people are judging me for saying this. But it's part of our reality because when I go into communities beyond the church the reality is this problem of being judgey has existed in every friendship group, every club, every business, and every school that I have a been part

It seems that judging others as human beings is part of our DNA. If we are to love our enemies and we are to live in love and so live in God, then we need to move beyond our judgement of others and into acceptance and kindness and care. And if we are to treat others as we would wish to be treated, we need to look beyond any judgments that we make about them, including how they behave towards us, and seek to love them by how we act towards them.

The choice of God for us is found in Jesus’ life lived for us and the invitation for us to follow him. P(mum) and N(dad) your choice to have B(daughter) baptised celebrates God's choice for her and for each one of us. It is my hope and prayer that you would take seriously the invitation of this congregation to be part of our journey of curiosity as we continue our journey growing as lifelong the disciples of Christ. That you would continue to explore what it means to nurture her as a person who might learn to love not just those who love her but those who she might find unlovable. That you would continue to explore what it means for her to grow up treating others as she wishes to be treated. And that you would help her to move beyond judgments that we make about each other into being able to do the first two of those things.

We as a congregation have committed to being here to support you in nurturing B(daughter). And it is my hope and prayer that we will still be here in 2042 in some form for B(daughter) to grow into that relationship with God and make her own choices about the God who has chosen her.

Monday, 17 February 2025

The Beatitudes - Choose Your Own Sermon

Luke 6:17-26

Earlier in the service I played the video that I made during the week about blessings. I was quite intentional about the statement that I asked people to complete. “I feel blessed when …” There were some really great answers including: being with family and friends; helping one another out; learning and experiencing joy at Grow; being in nature; making sense of the jigsaw of life; being part of this church community; and the list goes on. 

When we bring the ideas that people shared into conversation with Jesus’ words from Luke 6 it is notable to see what's missing from the answers that I gathered. No one said, ‘I feel blessed when I am poor’. No one said, ‘I feel blessed when I am hungry’. No one said, ‘I feel blessed when I am mourning or weeping’. And certainly, no one said, ‘I feel blessed when people are hating me, excluding me, or reviling me.’ 

Of course, I wasn't surprised by this, and I am not trying to say that the things that were named aren’t blessings. Rather what I am encouraging us to think about is the complex relationship between the blessing of God that is shared with all people through the incarnation of Jesus and the sending of the Holy Spirit and our experience of life. We have a tendency as human beings to incorrectly interpret a person’s situation in life with the idea that God is blessing or cursing them. The challenge that Jesus was giving to his listeners 2000 years ago was not to make such assumptions and challenge remains just as relevant to us today.

Given the complexity of the imagery of the reading and the depths to which we might plunge I decided that we might take a different approach with the sermon today. Put your hand up if you have ever read a choose your own story book. Well today's sermon is a bit like that. As a congregation you will be given a choice as to which topics you believe that God is leading you to hear about. And more than that, you will be given the option as to how long the sermon goes.  I have 8 topics to choose from you are allowed to vote for 2 of the topics only. By voting you will determine the highest priority down to the lowest priority. Once we have the 8 topics in order I will tackle them in that order. 

At the end of each point, you as a whole congregation will be given the chance to continue or to end the sermon. This is dangerous because I'm not keen to speak about all 8 topics as that will mean that we are still here after 10 o'clock. However, I will follow your lead. Be reassured that for those of you who really want to know about one of the topics, if I don't speak about it, I will be putting all the prepared topics onto my blog. So, you can go and read it later. Some of you may hear that as an invitation to only want to hear one topic so we can be out of here quicker, that is also a choice that you can make. 

1. Blessed are the cheesemakers

Some of you may remember the movie made by Monty Python called Life of Brian. Early in the movie there is a scene with Jesus’ preaching what is recognisable as the sermon on the mount described in Matthew’s Gospel. Matthew’s story parallel’s Luke’s sermon on the plain.

For those of you who don’t know the scene the crowd is huge. Jesus is preaching on a distant hill while Brian is standing with his mum alongside a group of others who are straining to hear what Jesus is saying. 

Brian’s mother complains about not being able to hear which makes it more difficult for others around them. As they bicker among themselves one of bystanders asks the people in front, “what is he saying now.” The response comes back, “I think it was blessed are the cheesemakers.”

One of the women listening asks “What’s so special about the cheesemakers?” Her husband replies, “Well obviously it's not meant to be taken literally. It refers to any manufacturer of dairy products.”

For those of you who are old enough to remember this movie it was controversial when it was released. It was even banned in some places. I find this a bit sad given the clever critique or religion and lessons that are in the movie. For example, in this opening scene the behaviour of the people at the fringe of the crowd and their misunderstanding and misinterpretation of Jesus’ teaching remains a powerful metaphor for the transition of Jesus’ teaching through history and our tendency to get distracted by our own lives and our personal agendas.

I put this theory about the transferring of messages to the test in one congregation when I preached on this passage. I did this by starting a game of whispers. I had asked a person in the congregation to start the whispering with the words “Blessed are the cheesemakers.” The message passed from person to person around the whole congregation and by the time it came back to me the words that came back were, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” Somewhere through the handing on of the message the message was not only changed but expanded upon!

Just as the opening scene of Life of Brian has important lessons for us to reflect upon so too does the final scene does as well. As Brian is being crucified one of the criminals being crucified be side breaks out into the now famous refrain, “always look at the bright side of life”. In this moment of intense suffering which will lead to death the criminal cheerfully sings as the crowd whistles along, 

For life is quite absurd

And death's the final word

You must always face the curtain with a bow

Forget about your sin

Give the audience a grin

Enjoy it, it's your last chance anyhow

So always look on the bright side of death

Just before you draw your terminal breath

This refrain takes the film full circle back to the beatitudes. At the heart of the teaching is the promise that no matter what is occurring for us, no matter our experience in life, God is with us and that we are blessed by God’s presence. As Brian and his companions sing even when it comes for the time to draw our terminal breath, we can look on the bright side of life. Why? Because God is with us, and we are blessed.

2. Through the eyes of a teenager

For any of us who live in the western world, a part of the beatitudes that we should find quite confronting are these words, “But woe to you who are rich, for you have received your consolation.” Whilst there is poverty in Australia most of our population would be counted amongst the wealthiest people in the world. Have we received our consolation?

If we were to read on in Matthew’s gospel, we would find the story of the rich young man who comes to Jesus in Chapter 19. Despite his piety Jesus says to him “If you want to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” Most of us know that the young man goes away disappointed. And I doubt any of us here have sold everything that we have and given it to the poor.

This part of the beatitudes combined with the concept that the poor are blessed took on new meaning for me when a teenager that I know went on an overseas trip with his school with a company called Antipodeans. This was prior to the pandemic. Sadly, the closures of international borders caused the company to collapse. Back in 2018 this teenager travelled into Vietnam where the young people were involved with meeting locals and engaging with projects to help the people that they were visiting.

On returning to Australia, he had a conversation with his parents about the experience. He shared how the trip had challenged him to see things differently. He talked about how little the people he met had. By any Australian standard the people that he had interacted with would be considered as living in extreme poverty. But the thing that struck him was that they were happy and that they were welcoming and they generous to him with what little they had. Maybe some of you who have travelled have experienced something similar.

He then went on to reflect with his parents about how unhappy and stressed that he felt so much of the time despite his wealth. Possibly for the first time in his life he was coming to terms with his wealth compared to the poverty of other people. He was also grappling with the idea that being among the rich does not necessarily translate to being happy or blessed.

This tension between wealth and poverty and how it is related to happiness is picked up by Darrin McMahon in his book The Pursuit of Happiness when he relays a story told by St. Augustine in his Confessions. St Augustine wrote:

As I walked along one of the streets in Milan, I notice the poor beggar who must, I suppose, have had his fill of food and drink, since he was laughing and joking. Sadly, I turned to my companions and spoke to them of all the pain and trouble which is caused by our own folly. My ambitions had placed a load of misery on my shoulders and the further I carried it the heavier it became, but the only purpose of all the efforts we make was to reach the goal of peaceful happiness. This beggar had already reached it ahead of us, and perhaps we should never reach it at all. For by all my laborious contriving and intricate manoeuvres I was hoping to win the joy of worldly happiness, the very thing which this man had already secured at the cost of the few pence which he had begged.

McMahon goes on took knowledge that state of the drunken beggar may have been illusionary or short lived, but Augustine still regarded this poor person as the happier man.

Just as my teenage friend grappled with the burden of wealth and the knowledge that it was not bringing him happiness so too Saint Augustine recognised the happiness in the beggar. As each one of us grapples with the meaning of being blessed, or happy, Jesus’ beatitudes challenge our assumptions about the need for wealth as part of the formula. And, more importantly that we connect a person’s wealth as a pathway to being happy or a sign of being blessed.

3. What’s in a word?

The beatitudes have been translated in a variety of ways over time. In the translation that we read today the key word that begins the phrases was translated as “blessed”. Another common translation is “happy”. It can be argued that there is a clear link between the word “happy” in Psalm 1 and the concept of being “blessed” in Luke 6. I have also come across the word translated as “fortunate” or “satisfied”.

If we go to the original language of the New Testament the word that we find there is makarios and however we translate it numerous Biblical scholars suggest that the word implies something about being in a right relationship with God. There is a link between makarios and another Greek word eudaimonia which is generally translated as happiness. Philosophically the word eudaimonia is associated with a flourishing or favoured life and the pursuit of happiness. Subconsciously many of us buy into this idea of happiness as our core philosophy by regularly asking the question of people, “Are you happy?” When we ask this we can subconsciously be saying that happiness is our chief end in life.  

However, whichever English word we use the Greek term makarios suggests that Jesus’ teaching is about finding a sense of being connected to God in a right relationship. It is that connection  with God that generates a sense of peace, or happiness, or wellbeing, or flourishing in this life. 

The connection of these concepts of makarios and eudaimonia is explored in Gilbert Meilaender’s book The Way that Leads There. Meilander reminds his readers of Aristotle’s argument that “all people desire happiness (eudaimonia), even though they disagree about where such happiness may be found.” (p.6) He critiques the quest for happiness as the chief purpose or end in life because it can become human centred and self-centred in a way which disregards others and God. 

Draws deeply on the wisdom of the fourth century bishop of Milan St Augustine Meilaender unpacks what it is we might pursue in life. In his Confessions Augustine wrote, “You have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” (p.4) Meilaender connects this concept of resting in God with what Augustine writes later in his Confessions. “And this is the happy life – to rejoice in you and to you and because of you. This is the happy life; there is no other.” (p.5)

Meilaender takes care in his nuanced reflections reminding his readers that “Augustine does not seek God in order that he may thereby live a happy life; he seeks God in order to delight in his presence.” (p.11) This is an important point to make because it is about what is the centre of the quest. Seeking God is not about turning God into another object to fulfil our desire for happiness. Rather in our pursuit of God we discover a sense of blessing in life because we come to know that God is present with us through all things.

4. Joy in adversity

Jesus’ teaching on the beatitudes and what it means to be blessed have an edge to them that is easy for us to overlook. Historically, in the first centuries of the church believing in Jesus and following the way of Christ meant a lot more that a bit of social embarrassment. It was a matter of life and death.

“Blessed are you when people hate you, and when they exclude you, revile you, and defame you on account of the Son of Man. Rejoice on that day and leap for joy, for surely your reward is great in heaven; for that is what their ancestors did to the prophets.”

Travelling back in time to the 3rd century we encounter stories of the early martyrs which exhibit an approach to faith that gives Jesus’ sermon a much different feel to our contemporary lives.

I am retelling the story of the martyr Perpetua as it is found in Darrin McMahon’s book The Pursuit of Happiness.

In the springtime of the year 203, a young north African woman was taken into custody by Roman    soldiers in the city of Carthage, in what is now contemporary Tunisia. Twenty-two, of good family, well educated, married, and nursing a child, Vibia Perpetua was charged with violating a decree issued the previous year by the Roman emperor Septimus Severus outlaw ring conversion to Christianity. Still only a catechumen, as yet unbaptized, she and a small group of companions, including her personal slave, Felicitas, hastened to have themselves ritually cleanse in custody, entering the church in full below courting violent death which they were promptly rewarded. On what is now remembered as March 7, and what was then the birthday feast of severances son, Geta, the group was fed to wild animals, mauled, and slain by the sword before jeering spectators in a small Carthage arena. (p.75)

McMahon explores the martyrdom of Perpetua at length. He notes that those who had gathered to watch the events had unlikely seen anything like this before. Citing witnesses from the time, McMahon records the following scene:

Perpetua and her companions “Marched from the prison to the Amphitheatre joyfully, as though they were going to be in heaven, with calm faces, trembling if at all, with joy rather than fear.” When they were scourge and taunted, “they rejoiced at this that they had obtained a share in the Lord's suffering.” And when they were persecuted and reviled, they were manifestly glad. Embracing their ordeal with an eagerness that seemed to delight in pain, they greeted death with open arms. By all accounts, the onlooking crowd was uncomprehending. They did not know it, but their response was fitting. For what these men and women were witnessing in the blood and dust of an African spring was nothing less than a radical new vision of human happiness." (p.76)

The stories of early Christian martyrs may have us puzzling about what Jesus’ words meant. Is rejoicing at your own torture and death part of being blessed? Some people in the early church believed sharing in a death like Jesus’ death was an expected part of the faith. Whilst I think such an understanding is questionable what is clear from the story is that those early martyrs believed that what was occurring to them did not signify God turning away from. In fact, it would appear they believe was entirely the opposite that through their suffering God was embracing them – they were being blessed!

5. Look out

The word “woe” which is used by Jesus in Luke's version of the beatitudes might be heard by some of us in different ways. For those of you who were here last week we heard the words from the prophet Isaiah, “Woe is me for I am a man of unclean lips and I live among a people of unclean lips.” The sense of the word woe in that case carries a sense of lament and distress. But in Luke’s gospel I'm not sure that that's what Jesus is going for.

The Lutheran pastor Matt Skinner on the Working Preacher Website Provides a helpful reflection on how we might hear the word woe. Skinner says this:

In this context, “woe” functions as a sharp contrast to “blessed,” yet the Greek word ouai does not mean “cursed” or “unhappy.” Certainly not “damned.” Like the English word yikes, it is more of an attention-getter and emotion-setter than a clear characterization or pronouncement.

Jesus therefore promises relief to some groups, to those people who travel rough roads through life. To others, to folks who find existence rather enjoyable or easy, he cries, “Look out!”

I think that was Skinner suggests is helpful. When I hear the phrase “Look out!” I think it challenges us to take closer notice of the world around us, our relationship with God, and our place within the global community. But as Skinner says to people preparing to preach on this passage: 

The big question for the preacher to consider is why those comfortable people should look out. What’s wrong with health, wealth, and merriment? 

It could be argued that health, wealth, and merriment enable us to have a sense of blessedness and happiness in life. I've had more than one of my friends say to me, “We are here for a good time not a long time.” These words are an echo of the teacher Qoheleth in the book of Ecclesiastes, “So I commend enjoyment, for there is nothing better for people under the sun than to eat and drink and enjoy themselves, for this will go with them in their toil through the days of life that God gives them under the sun.” (Eccl 8:15)

If life boils down to my personal happiness without consideration of others around me and the consequences it might have for them, there are justice issues involved. Some of you may be aware of the website which through a survey process measures your slavery footprint. All of us living in wealthy cultures are beneficiaries of people in other parts of the world who prop up our lifestyles - our needs, our wants, and our desires - at the expense of their lives.

When Skinner says that Jesus is saying, “Look out”, I hear a direct challenge for me to take notice of how I come to have such wealth. In Jesus’ saying, “Look out” there is a warning about equating my personal “health, wealth, and merriment” with any idea that I am righteous or that these things may lead to any deep sense of happiness and peace in the world.

Skinner goes on to say this in his commentary about the woes:

Jesus urges his hearers to reassess their lives in light of God’s unfolding reign. It seems to me that Jesus’ woe statements are revealing something—that the things we assume are advantages are actually illusory. What if money, food, comfort, self-won security, respectability, and the like are things that kill our souls—not just in some far-off afterlife but right here, right now?

The phrase that these things may “kill our souls” causes us to reflect on what it means to be a soulless person. A person who through their lack of looking out and taking notice reaps the benefits of life at the expense of others. Most of us understand that having and owning things does not make us happier or better people. But we live in a culture that is saturated with consumerism that suggests precisely this – the more we own the happier that we will be. As followers of Jesus, we constantly need to “look out” for how this illusion is developing in our lives and our decisions to own more are impacting people who produce the objects that we want to own.

6. That’s not a blessing, this is a blessing

Jesus’ teaching often challenged older teachings found in the law or Torah, what we call the Old Testament.  This is true of the beatitudes as well. Luke 6:20–26 can be directly contrasted with Deuteronomy 28, where the blessed were prosperous and being cursed meant destitution. In Jesus’ teaching in the sermon on the plain there is a contrast between blessings and woes which has echoes of the Deuteronomy passage. There is a presentation in both of a binary or dichotomous view of the world, black is black and white is white, good is this and bad is that.

But the idea that Jesus is simply presenting such a dichotomous view of the world is unhelpful. Whilst he presents his ideas as couplets these ideas need to be contrasted with the Old Testament passage which he is not only critiquing but reversing.

Julia Van den Brink explores the nature of blessings and curses at some length in an article entitled “Luke's beatitudes and woes: are they covenant blessings and curses?” She makes a direct link between Deuteronomy 28 and Luke 6. Within the Old Testament passage the implication is clear, when people keep the covenant they will be prosperous and when they do not they will suffer the consequences. She says, “Chapter 28 contains some of the most compelling reasons for obedience [to the covenant] – prosperity and honour come from covenant obedience while destitution and shame are the results of disobedience. Deuteronomy 28 contains sixty-eight verses divided between covenant blessings and curses.” (p.13)

Van den Brink summarises the intention of the passage in Deuteronomy, saying, “Blessing appears as prosperous life, filled with abundance and relative ease. Curse is the exact opposite, entailing an existence of fruitless labour, suffering, destitution and despair.” (p.14) As we contrast the passage from Deuteronomy with Jesus’ teaching in Luke what becomes clear very quickly is that Jesus reverses the understanding found in Deuteronomy. He upsets any assumptions that people might make about the blessing or cursing of others based on what is occurring for them in their life.

Whilst our focus is on the teaching of Jesus, it is pertinent to note that the Old Testament critiques its own views at different points. The wisdom books are books which constantly do this. For example, the story of Job does a very similar thing to what Jesus is doing in his sermon. Job is understood to be a righteous man, but he encounters great suffering. The book of Job questions all of assumptions that were being made around who is righteous and who is not and how that relates to their prosperity or their poverty.

We may think that we understand the salient point made by Jesus but sometimes our language and what we say can suggest that we're still buying into this Old Testament view of blessings and curses. When we see another person suffering in any way and say, “there but for the grace of God go I” the inference might be my that somehow, we deserve God’s grace, but the other person doesn’t. Or, when we experience or see the prosperity of another and acknowledge it as a blessing from God, we can run the risk of implying that we or they somehow deserved that blessing whilst another person did not.

By making the connection between the Old Testament passage from Deuteronomy and the New Testament passage from Luke as people who take this Bible seriously, we should hear Jesus’ words as a challenge. There are times that we need to step back and consider more deeply whether we are prepared to read the words of our holy book with the same critical lens that Jesus did as he unpacked who is blessed and who will be subject to woe.

7. Experts in exclusion

One of the difficulties that Jesus was dealing with in his sermon was the tendency that we have as people to include or exclude others within al communities. Of course, there can be very good reason for including or excluding people in communities. This is because as we build community, we aim to make the community that we're part of a safe place for people to be. Nevertheless, what Jesus is doing is challenging any notion grounded religious approaches that might suggest that some people are not blessed by God and some people are not.

For example, as modern Christians there can be a tendency for us to make assumptions about Jesus’ disagreements with the Pharisees and scribes and the Jewish religion. However, much of Jesus’ behaviour in entering vigorous debate with other teachers is completely consistent with the culture of debate amongst the Pharisees. Each argued for a position which they believed reflected God's law most closely. Jesus’ behaviour was consistent with other Jewish scholars and as a Jewish teacher himself Jesus engaged in appropriate debate. My point is that as modern Christians we can assume things about the Jewish people of Jesus’ time which suggests a conflict that may not have been there in the way that we think.

It is precisely this kind of divisive behaviour that Jesus was critiquing. There was a tradition within the Jewish leadership and the Jewish community that were emphasising the importance of recognising who were insiders and who were outsiders. And, by implication, who was blessed and who was not. Jesus was breaking down these barriers and assumptions.

Listening to the sermon on the plain 2000 years later we should reflect on it in our own context. The existence of different churches, congregations, denominations, cliques within congregations and denominations all point to the reality that we are still experts in excluding others. As people we do it in all sorts of subtle and not so subtle ways. Saying who is in and who is out, who is welcome and who is not, has been part of every community that I had been involved with. 

Human beings do this all the time. One of the advantages of my commute is I'm now listening to more podcasts. During the week I listened to an interesting podcast from the ABC show Conversations. The conversation was with the Australian comedian Nazim Hussein. He has Sri Lankin Islamic heritage. In the conversation Hussein detailed his experience of racism iand exclusion in Australia. He spoke about his experiences growing up and how his family was treated. 

One story stood out from his childhood when his sister was being bullied in a racist way. Overlooked and ignored by both the teacher and the principal of the school Hussein’s mother went to her local member to express her concern about the racism. Her local member at the time just happened to be the then premier of Victoria Jeff Kennett. The outcome of the interaction was it the Premier turned up at the primary school with Hussein’s mother to speak with the principal. The situation was addressed and the racism stopped. But the behaviour of exclusion and racism should never have occurred, and it certainly should not have been ignored. But sadly, we as human beings are experts in exclusion.

Think about some of the tribalism and inclusion and exclusion that you may have set up – consciously or subconsciously. 

Which side of the Brisbane River do you live on? Which suburb do you live in? Which side of Waterworks Rd do you live on? Are you from Queensland or from NSW originally? Which political party do you vote for? Were you born in Australia? Do you have First Nations heritage? Which football, soccer, cricket, or netball team, do you support? 

Where did you go to school? Was it a private school or a public school? What kind of church do you go to? Uniting, Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Anglican, Baptist, Pentecostal? Which decade were you born in? And the list goes on and on of reasons we include and exclude other people in our communities? 

Part of what Jesus is doing is naming this behaviour of excluding others and the problem of associating it with any notion that the exclusive groups that we set up, the people we see is insiders, are somehow blessed while others are not. The sermon that Jesus’ preaches goes to the heart of what it means for us to share in a common humanity and recognise that all people are created in the image of God. 

The Uniting Church at its eleventh Assembly declared its commitment and therefore ours to respect this. In the statement “Dignity of Humanity it said, “the Uniting Church believes that every person is precious and entitled to live with dignity because they are God’s children, and that each person’s life and rights need to be protected, or the human community (and its reflection of God) and all people are diminished.” As we read the beatitudes what we should hears is that every person is blessed!

8. Justice or Just Us?

The beatitudes are often understood as an ethical framework which should drive followers of Jesus to become advocates and champions of those who suffer in the world. Matthew's version of the beatitudes does point us more strongly in that direction. In his version Jesus says, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice: they shall have their fill.” And “Blessed are those who endure persecution for the sake of justice, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Whilst not quite as explicit as this we can hear in Jesus’ words from Luke’s version an injunction to engage in the work of caring for us and taking notice of those around us.

The commentator from the Ignatian Solidarity Network Kelly Swan issues the challenge that we read the beatitudes through an ethical framework asking “And is this not our call? Not to read the Beatitudes as a path to pitying the suffering and offering weak platitudes. But to hear the call in Jesus’ words to put solidarity into action—to enter into the full story of another and then walk alongside them in pursuit of the justice they, and we all, seek.” 

When we read the beatitudes from this kind of angle our own thoughts about our pursuit of blessedness or happiness takes a significant detour. It is a detour that challenges us to contemplate more seriously Paul’s words in Philippians 2, verses 4 and 5. “Let each of you look not to your own interests but to the interests of others. Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.”

In his book The Way that Leads There Gilbert Meilaender writes about the idea of locating our happiness in our desire for God. He goes on to say, “Placing our happiness in God will require that we relinquish the desire for happiness on our own terms and cultivate instead the patience to wait for God.” (p18) As lifelong disciples of Christ we are constantly called beyond ourselves and towards others, to live a life of self-sacrifice. Meilaender says this about self-sacrifice. “The point of self sacrificial love is not to persuade ourselves that we are being sacrificial; On the contrary, the focus of attention is the loved one.” (P.20)

The call to follow Jesus, the seeking of God by serving others, is in the end not about our happiness or blessedness. It is about those who we are serving. Contemporary research in wellbeing teaches us that giving to others can help us to nurture a positive sense of self and wellbeing. However, if our purpose in serving others becomes our own happiness or wellbeing rather than those we are serving we are treating others as objects to achieve our ends, regardless of how nice we think we are being. 

There is a whole area of research around this issue called pathological altruism. The serving of others for our own benefit. Other people who have problems are not put in our path to help us feel good about ourselves or do good deeds to earn our way into God’s good books. No to be called to act in solidarity and compassion is to recognise that those we are reaching out to are already blessed by God, and might be a blessing to us as well. 

Concluding Comments 

Understanding what it means to blessed or happy is no easy thing. The temptation that I believe that Jesus is addressing in his reflection on the plain is not meant to inspire us to pursue blessedness or happiness, rather what I think he's doing is dispelling our human tendency to compartmentalise people into those who we believe are blessed those who are not and thereby exclude them 

The good news of Jesus, revealed in his life death and resurrection, is that there are no barriers between who is blessed and who is not. God's love is unconditional. This means as followers of Christ our starting point with any other person should be one of assuming that they are already blessed and loved by God. Sharing in our common humanity we share each other's burdens, and we rejoice with one another when we experience the joy of a flourishing life. Maybe this is what it means to be blessed.