Deuteronomy 26:1-15. Remembering our heritage.
You may be wondering why I
chose this passage this morning to help us understand the place of the church
in the world. How does Moses words
spoken thousands of years ago “A wandering Aramean was my ancestor” help us?
The answer is that Moses
words are all about remembering, remembering whose we are and who we have been.
These words, which
essentially set up a liturgical practice, were spoken by Moses towards the end
of the time of wandering in the desert.
The people of God were about to enter the Promised Land and this liturgy
was to help them remember their history.
“A wandering Aramean was my
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Creative commons Flickr: Denbola |
So the people had been nomads,
resident aliens, slaves, refugees & even oppressors.
It is in this context and
with anticipation of prosperity in the Promised Land that God’s people were to
offer the first fruits of their harvest to God.
Now these offerings were not
to sit idly and rot. No they served a
very specific purpose. “Then you,
together with the Levites and the aliens who reside among you, shall celebrate
with all the bounty that the Lord your God has given to you and to your house.”
The prosperity of the people
was to be celebrated by giving to God for the sake of others – to the Levites,
the aliens, the poor and the widow.
I often match this reading
with the reading from Leviticus 23 which instructs God’s people to leave the
edge of their harvest for the poor and the strangers and the widow and the
orphan. God’s people were not to think
of their prosperity in selfish ways but in ways which looked outwards.
In remembering that they had
been aliens and refugees, marginalised and lost, they would remember people of
other cultures, religions, ethnicity and those who were marginalised such as
the orphan and the widow and they would be generous to them.
I personally find these words
inspiring and confronting in the context of which you and I live. As God’s people who are prosperous now we are
to remember that our history includes a time of displacement, of dislocation,
of being resident aliens and even slaves or convicts. And in remembering these things we are called
to welcome the stranger and alien in our midst and we are to be people of
generosity, for our giving to God flows into the support of both those who are
strangers in our midst and those who are marginalised.
For those of us who are
Australian citizens the reality of 46 million refugees in the world is
disturbing. The policies of our
government and those proposed by the opposition raise serious question for us
to our collective amnesia that our ancestor was a wandering Aramean.
When we remember rightly we
are confronted by who we have been even if it was three thousand years ago and
we are called to consider carefully how we use our first fruits and whether we
are leaving the edge of our harvest for those who are in need around us.
Philippians 2:1-11. Emptying ourselves for others.
At the heart of the Christian
faith is the notion that Jesus came to reconcile us in our relationship to God
and renew us in our relationships with one another. It is a reconciliation and renewal which is
given to us as gift because the reality we do not always remember that our
ancestor was a wandering Aramean.
Yet through the power of the
Holy Spirit we are also taught that as followers of Christ we are drawn into
Jesus own life. Just as he brought light
into the world so we too are to bring light.
The passage from Philippians
like the one from Deuteronomy causes us through remembering to look beyond
Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to
the interests of others. Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.
The words which follow this
are sometimes referred to us the kenosis
hymn, kenosis being the word for
emptying in the Greek.
Jesus pours out his life for
others. He empties of being God to
become human and even empties his life out for our sake. In my mind I can find no reason for God to do
this other than love. If we believe God
is completely free there is no necessity in what God does in Jesus and it is
done unconditionally.
If we as people are drawn
into the self giving life, this life which is poured out then as God’s people
we are to pour our lives out for the sake of others.
I do not suggest we do so to
save ourselves, this work has already been done, we do so because we have known
God’s love.
We empty ourselves out for
the world for which Christ died – not a world which necessarily loves God, or
is nice, or will reciprocate that love appropriately but because we are taught
by the one who loves us beyond our rejection of God and beyond our human
I read an article last week
that suggested if I was protesting against what Kevin Rudd had done with the
PNG solution to the refugees I should do so knowing it would cost me and that I
should be prepared to help resettle and help refugees and to be prepared to
bear any additional tax burden.
I have read similar articles
in relation to addressing the issues in our aged facilities, in our education
system, in terms of climate change and the list goes on.
If you and I are drawn into
God’s life, into Jesus self-emptying the question hangs heavy on my heart how
will I empty myself out for others. I
cannot help but think of the rich young man who went to Jesus and when Jesus
instructed him to empty himself by selling everything he had and giving it to
the poor he went away disheartened.
Matthew 5:1-11. Living Blessings.
These well known teachings
called as the beatitudes appear to have three aspects.
The first is that there is
recognition that Jesus recognises as blessed people who had traditionally been
thought as suffering or as outsiders by the Jewish community:
The poor in spirit
Those who mourn
The meek
God blesses people we don’t
necessarily think of as blessed.
Secondly, Jesus recognises as
blessed people who act out God’s loving way in the world:
Those who hunger and thirst
for righteousness
The merciful
The pure in heart
The peacemakers
God blesses those who act to
bring fullness in life to others.
And lastly, that those who
live out God’s ways often attract disdain:
Those who are persecuted for
righteousness sake
Those who are reviled on
Jesus account
God blesses those who make
sacrifices in God’s name.
As we consider how we are to
be the church in the world when we listen to the beatitudes it seems to me we
are called to acknowledge and live as blessings, even maybe to be living
blessings as we discover that those whom we don’t always think of as blessed
may actually be blessed and as we live out being merciful, peacemakers, pure in
heart and seekers of righteousness.
This morning as we collect
our offerings I have provided each of you with a card with 3 questions for you
to contemplate as people who have received God’s grace and being drawn into
Jesus life and ministry:
What is the most challenging thing have I
remembered about being part of God’s people?
Who I am I being
asked to empty myself out for?
Where will I be a
living blessing in the week ahead?