
Saturday 22 January 2011

“Follow me and I will make you fish for people.”

To be involved in following Jesus for Peter and Andrew,and for James and John, meant to become fisher’s of men and women. And thereby to include others in following Jesus:sharing the good news of God’s love.

The question for us is whether or not,as people who have responded to following Jesus,we bothered baiting our hooks or casting our nets?

I was reflecting on the rosters that exist in our congregations across the Kairos congregations and I was struggling to see any activity which bore a clear relationship with the imperative Jesus places upon these first disciples:
to fish for people.

Our rosters ask us to greet at the door,
to prepare morning tea,
to pray for one another,
to mow lawns,
to run garage sales,
to read the scriptures in worship,
to attend meetings and
to lead prayers – but who do send to fish for people.
Who is on that roster?

Maybe the closest we come is the Sunday School teachers.

Much of what we in our worship
is about preparing people to go out and fish,
or at least it should be.

It is a time for the mending of our nets
and the baiting of our hooks,
preparing each of you to venture
into both the familiar estuaries
and the unchartered waters,
to share the good news
which has touched you so deeply.

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