
Tuesday 15 March 2011

The Noise of Life

For some it is not so much the silence of God which interferes with the hearing of God but the overpowering noise of life.

It is the noise of the rhythm of an alarm clock waking you day by day to go to a job where you work hard and earn a decent salary.

It is the noise of rich friendships and close family who take up so much joyous time gathered at social events: reposing with glasses raised and clinking in toasts to the great things that are happening.

It is the noise of the parental taxi going from swimming lesson, to ballet and cricket, from school to piano practice and plays in the park.

It is the noise of the luxurious life of entertainment: of movies, shows and concerts, of radios blaring and TV announcing the (good) news, whilst the computer whirrs the world into the lounge room.

Not so much an evil din as a distraction from entering the depth and purpose of our human existence as children of God. How and when and where can silence by found in this diarised cacophony? Kairos: living life in God’s time.

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