
Friday 28 October 2011

Living Life in God's Time!

Peter Lockhart

Last weekend I attend a conference entitled “Questioning God: Faith & the New Atheism in Australia”. It was a timely reminder for me as to the hope expressed in our Kairos vision of “Living life in God’s time!”

To live life in God’s time is to become disciples of Jesus Christ and both witnesses to and participants in God’s mission and ministry in the world. The journey into an intelligible discipleship takes some time and commitment, especially in the context of this complex world in which we live.

One of the highlights of our conference was the speech delivered by Kristina Keneally “God is back – but does it matter” (see ABC Religion & Ethic website). In response to her paper a person commented on the ABC website, “I don’t know who said it - it was prophesied in the 70's that a time will come when faith will be 100 miles wide and 1/2 inch thick - It was also said that we would have the ear of the world and nothing to say - I think we're nearly there.”

As Christians in Kairos being called to live in God’s time I believe involves us in a journey of deepening our faith so that we do not achieve the irrelevance expressed by the commenter.

As we seek to expresses our hope living life in God’s time (kairos) I encourage you to continue to grow, as my old school motto suggested in fide scientiam (to our faith add knowledge).

Apart from recommending the ABC website, here are some books for those seeking a deeper exploration: “The Twilight of Atheism” & “The Dawkins Delusion” Alistair McGrath; “Atheist Delusions” David Bentley Hart; “Patience with God” Tomas Halik; “And Man Created God” Robert Banks; “Faith & its Critics” David Fergusson; and “A Sceptics Guide to Atheism” Peter S Williams.

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