
Saturday 21 March 2015

Some Greeks came to see Jesus

I wondered what the Greeks were expecting when they went to see Jesus.  I cannot fathom what they were hoping for so I wrote this poem based on the idea of my wanting to seeing Jesus, with all the expectations and presuppositions that I carry.

Who do you want to see?

God and man
Mystery and grace
The eternal Word made flesh
The incarnate Son of God
Present from before creation
Perichoretically indwelling the Godhead
Father, Son and Spirit

Born of Mary
Inhabiting the universe
A teacher to follow
Living life vicariously
Bound in history
Free from time
Present in the hungry
The thirsty and the poor
Died yet risen
Coming from the future
Present with us now
Spurned and rejected
Loved and exalted
Lifted up for the sake of the world
Risen from among the dead
Full of new life

I want to see Jesus
Not simplified
Not domesticated
Not pasteurised and homogenised
Full of mystery and grace
An unknowable paradox
Yet willing to be known
Yes, I want to see Jesus
But more
I want to be seen by Jesus
Knowing that he will
Love me as I am
And as I am becoming
Trusting that he is making me
One with him, one with God
And one with others

I want to see Jesus
Am I ready for such a joyous, mysterious revelation
Only God knows

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