"Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's."
What does it mean to give to Caesar and to God? Does it mean separating religion from politics? Does it mean we should pay our tax but not let our spirituality impact our political decisions? Do religion and politics mix or not? To glean a better understanding we need to travel back to the moment Jesus was telling the story.
first thing we have to understand about this story is that these two groups
were not natural allies. The Herodians
supported the rule of Herod who cooperated with the Roman rulers and was given
authority by them. The Pharisees on the
other hand were the legalists among the Jewish leaders who believed that their
interpretation of the Law was the one to be obeyed. When they spoke of the law they specifically
meant Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.
effectively when these groups team up to confront Jesus they choose to set
aside their own differences to attack a common enemy. Jesus is the meat in their sandwich.
aim of the question is not to get an answer but to trap Jesus. Let’s think about the question about tax and
the coin that Jesus asked to be produced – a Roman coin!
Pharisees would have regarded these Roman coins as idolatrous. The contained an image of Tiberius, Caesar,
who would have been considered as divine by the Romans. The point can be made by the group simply producing
the coin in the temple they had shown themselves up as hypocrites.
the other hand it is more than likely that the Herodians had no problem with
the Roman coin, after all they had allied themselves with Rome .
the question comes, should they pay tax?
I wonder if you can see the trap.
What will the Pharisees say if Jesus says ‘Yes’? What will the Herodians say if Jesus says
question was intended to back Jesus into a corner so that whatever his answer
Jesus would get in strife with the authorities.
answer cleverly avoids the trap yet at the same time confronts his adversaries
with a conundrum in terms of their loyalties.
to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's."
think that this is one of the better known quotes of Jesus and one of the worst
trying to see behind Jesus words what should be patently clear very quickly is
that Jesus believed everything belong to God, all things were derived from God,
even political power.
the scriptures both the Old and New Testaments the intermingling of religion
and politics is constant. In the Old
Testament again and again we read of how God ascribed political power to even
the foreign rulers and enemies. They
ruled because God made it so.
himself was incredibly immersed in challenging the political powers and the social
structure of his day. In the book Intelligent Church Steve Chalke talks about
how the New Testament scholar N.T.Wright says of Jesus whatever else he wasn’t,
Jesus was a politician.
believe that this passage has been wrongly interpreted to mean that politics
and religion don’t mix. This assumption
that is made by many in our post-enlightenment world has arisen out teachings
and understandings that have emerged since the time of the Reformation.
500 years ago Martin Luther argued for a distinct line to be drawn between the
spiritual and political realms. In this
I think has been wrongly understood as saying the two don’t mix. Without going into too much of the history of
the situation the issue for Luther was who and how that power was being
this, I think Luther’s teaching, alongside the rejection of the spiritual in
favour of a secular understanding through the enlightenment has served to
deceive us into thinking that our faith somehow should not have a political edge.
we consider that all things belong to God, including the way in which we
structure our society then as Christian people the way we live, who we vote
for, what issues we choose to fight for, are both the political and religious
outworking of our faith.
what we choose to pray for, or even more importantly not pray for, in our
prayers for the world indicates both a political and religious stance! The words we use, the phrases indicate our
alliances to God and to his coming kingdom.
After all when we pray ‘thy kingdom come thy will be done’ surely we are
praying for political and social change as well as religious change.
time a preached on this topic in this congregation I pointed out that the
implication of this is that whatever our political allegiance might be, and I
know some of you are card carrying members of various parties, our first
allegiance is to Jesus Christ and the coming kingdom.
in parliament they have what is called a conscience vote. This is a time when politicians are
allowed by their parties to vote based on their personal moral, philosophical or religious stance on an
issue because of its moral content. In a sense this misses the point
that every single decision made by any parliament is a decision that has moral content and has religious or faith implications. Dare I suggest that all decisions in parliament should be made in this way?
the Uniting Church makes decisions and advocates in
the community for particular issues.
Sometimes you may agree, sometimes not, sometimes you may get the
impression that the Uniting
Church is taking sides in
politics. Whilst this may appear to be
the case I believe that in these situations men and women of faith like
yourselves are seeking to discern what it might mean to proclaim ‘thy kingdom
come’ in terms of specific issues confronting our Australian community.
individuals and as a local community of faith I believe the challenge of being
Jesus followers is to seek to discern how we might live out every aspect of our
conclude I want to give two quick examples of the intersection of faith and politics
from this week which I was confronted by.

the situation is this; the
Queensland Government had granted Tarong Energy a mineral development licence
over the Haystack Road
coal deposit. The implications could be
that hundreds of square kilometres of prime farming land might be reclaimed for
the purpose of coal mining. According to
the website once mined the land will never be able to produce crops again. To give some idea of the scale of the impact
this area produced enough wheat last year to make 68 million loaves of
bread. That’s not counting other crops
and produce.
is the Christian response to this issue?
What do we pray for? Is it right
to continue to mine non renewable energy resources, especially in such a way
that destroys good farming land? Is it
appropriate to continue to burn fossil fuels when we know the impact they are
having on our climate and the whole planet?
Or does our current need for the coal outstrip our need for food
crops? What part does the church play in
this situation? For what should we pray?
second issue was from a story on ABC radio about the impending closure of the
Ford factory in Melbourne . This is occurring because of the lower demand
for bigger cars. The discussion on the
radio centred on the tension between the ideas that for because of that we have
our economy constant growth is necessary and the opposing tension of trying to
reign in consumption because of the impact on the environment and the use of
finite resources. What do we pray
for? What kind of car should you and I
buy? Do we pray for workers losing jobs?
For companies that need profits and not to be propped up by subsidies
which come from our taxes? Or for both?
comes heralding a new kingdom, when we pray 'thy kingdom come' we
are making a political statement as much as a religious one. As we follow Jesus and witness to God’s love
let us not deceive ourselves: the political decisions that we make are faith
decisions, our lifestyle choices are faith decisions; in fact all of our
decisions are faith decisions. Take a
moment to consider the decisions you are making what does it mean for you ‘to
give to God what belongs to God.”
This reflection offers a thought-provoking perspective on the relationship between faith and politics, highlighting that Jesus’ words encourage us to recognize the sovereignty of God over all aspects of life, including the political realm. It challenges the common divide between religion and politics, suggesting that our faith should indeed influence our political choices. A balanced approach can help us navigate this complex relationship thoughtfully.
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