Thursday, 28 March 2024

An Easter Poem


In an interview on the occasion of being awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Maya Angelo expressed her faith and doubt in this way:


“I’m always amazed when people walk up to me and say, ‘I’m a Christian.’ I think, ‘Already? You already got it?’ I’m working at it, which means that I try to be as kind and fair and generous and respectful and courteous to every human being.”

Angelo's words inspired me to write this poem. 

I’m working at it.


My faith is


I’m not there,


It may sound,


I’m on a journey

With faith

and with doubt


I heard the news, that

The tomb was



Mary stayed close

She encountered

Her name

Being spoken

With love and hope


Renewing her life

A mysterious gift

Of his implausible





I’m not there yet

I’m working at it

I’m a work in progress


Trying to believe, and

Trying to live

As if it matters

That Jesus rose


I am trying,

as I live,

to live with



Being fair

Giving generously


To live



Courteous to

Each and every

human being that I encounter


And as I do so


Longing also

to hear

my name spoken


To have my life

Renewed by the

Mysterious gift

Of his implausible



He is risen.




I’m not there yet

I’m working at it

I’m trying to live

With courage

And with hope.

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